文法 #22 関係副詞


  • I know the town where you live.
  • Is that the shop where you bought your dress?
  • Paris, where we met, is a beautiful city.

  • Tomorrow is the day when I get my first pay check.
  • I remember the era when teachers could give students the cane.
  • The most stressful day of the week is Monday, when people go back to work.

  • The reason why I didn't call you is that I've lost your phone number.
  • We do not know why he left.
  • Do you know the reason why the sky is blue?

※先行詞 "the way" または関係副詞 "how" のどちらかは必ず省略される。
  • I cannot teach you how this game was solved.
  • I like how the singer sings.
  • This is the way it happened. 

→ 課題 #09

→ 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

文法 #23 関係代名詞
→ 文法 #73 関係形容詞

文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
→ 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
→ 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
→ 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
→ 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
→ 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
→ 文法 #86 疑問副詞
→ 文法 #22 関係副詞