文法 #50 譲歩を表す副詞節

  • Though he had studied hard for this test, he failed to get an A.
  • Although I was tired, I did my best.
  • The phone woke me up, even though it wasn't very loud.
  • Angry as he was, he couldn't help smiling.
  • I’m going out tomorrow even if it’s raining.
  • Even though we have the money, we don’t want to live in a big house.
  • Don't open the door, no matter who comes.
  • No matter which you choose, he will be satisfied with it.
  • No matter where you go in the world, remember where you came from and where you are going.
  • No matter when you start, it is important that you do not stop after starting.
  • I'm determined to visit Finland no matter what it costs.
  • No matter how hard it is, just keep going because you only fail when you give up.
  • No matter whether you believe in luck or chance, the final decision is from yourself.
  • While I think it is useful, I don’t need it.
  • He needs you right now, whether he knows it or not.
※no matter who → whoever といった書き換えができるが、whoever は関係代名詞として機能するため、ここでは扱わない。whenever と wherever はそれぞれ時と場所で扱っている。

[譲歩の as]
  • Unlikely as it might seem, I’m tired too.
  • Improbable as it seems, it's still true.
  • Much as I respect him, I still have to disagree with him on this point.
  • Try as he might, he couldn't do it.
※これらの as は接続詞として扱うことが多いが、実際は Though it is as といった単語が省略されていると考えることができる。その場合、これらの as は様態の接続詞である。

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #36 従属接続詞の一覧

→ 文法 #46 時を表す副詞節
→ 文法 #47 原因・理由を表す副詞節
→ 文法 #48 場所を表す副詞節
→ 文法 #49 仮定・条件を表す副詞節
→ 文法 #51 目的を表す副詞節
→ 文法 #52 結果を表す副詞節
→ 文法 #53 様態を表す副詞節
→ 文法 #54 限定・範囲・制限を表す副詞節
→ 文法 #55 比例・比較を表す副詞節