知覚動詞:(音)listen to / hear (目)look / see / watch(舌)taste (鼻)smell / sniff (感触・感情)touch / feel (その他) sense / notice / observe / realize / forget / remember / understand / know / recognize /seem
This looks terrible.
I feel cold today.
It smells fishy.
She smells smoke.
Bruno can't see who's knocking at his door.
Luna is tasting her cake.
いくつかの知覚動詞(例:see, look at, hear, listen to, feel, watch, sense)は補語の不定詞を(toを用いない)原型不定詞で表す。
I saw her stand / standing.
I listened to her sing / singing.
I saw the sun rise this morning.
[S+V+O+C(C:現在分詞 / 過去分詞)]
When I woke up, I noticed my dog snoring loudly next to me.
Beckey can feel the wind blowing against her skin.
Can you feel the garlic added to this mixture?
→ 課題 #08