文法 #31 前置詞 under

前置詞:over ←→ 前置詞:under
   ↑       ↑
   ↓       ↓
前置詞:above ←→前置詞:below

  • over:(すぐ真上にある場合)~の上に、真上に
  • under:(すぐ真下にある場合)~の下に、真下に
  • above:(対象から離れた上の方)真上に、より上に
  • below:(対象から離れた下の方)真下に、より下に

  • He found the box under the table.
  • Tom and Mary live under the same roof.
  • We sat under the stars and listened to the night sounds.
  • We played golf under the sun.

  • We can't sell it under 1,000 yen.
  • She's still under age.
  • We've been here just under a week.

  • We're under attack.
  • Is Tom under arrest?
  • Tom is under observation.

  • The new station building is under construction and will be completed soon.
  • My iPhone is under repair now.
  • The problem was under discussion.

  • I  work for the government under such condition.
  • All men are equal under the law.
  • I work under her.

→ 課題 #12
→ 文法 #35 前置詞の一覧