- He was threatened by the robber. [by:行為者]
- He was threatened with a knife. [with:道具]
- Paper is made from wood. [from:原料]
- Book is made of paper. [of:材料]
- He is known to everyone. [to:対象]
- I was surprised at the news. [at:感情の原因]
- The garden is covered with flowers. [with:所有]
- I'm interested in playing guitar. [in:関連]
- We were very pleased with that. [with:対象]
- My bag was filled with water. [with:所有]
- The exchange rates are listed daily in the newspaper. [in:場所]
- I am scared of ghost. [of:分離]
- He was killed in the traffic accident. [in:時]
→ 課題 #05
→ 文法 #06 受動態
→ 文法 #19 受動態 #3(第3-5文型)
→ 文法 #34 助動詞の一覧