I lend the book of mine to you(所有)
Giants is a team of the baseball league.(所属)
Please choose one of them.(部分関係)
My birthday is the 15th of March.(部分関係 → 日付)
Would you like a cup of coffee.(部分関係 → 分量)
[所有・所属 → 関連]
The same explanation is true of that case.(関連)
We can hear the roar of a lion in this documentary video. (関連 → 行為者・主格)
It’s kind of you to help me. (関連 → 対象・主格)
Many people die of cancer.(関連 → 原因・理由)
She has a love of music.(関連 → 目的格)
This is a map of the city of Osaka.(関連 → 同格)
[部分 → 分離]
I'm economically independent of my parents.(分離)
The cup is made of gold.(分離 → 材料)
Nikko is situated about seventy five miles north of Tokyo.(分離 → 場所/起点)
It's five minutes of eleven.(分離 → 時間/起点)
→ 課題 #06
→ 文法 #35 前置詞の一覧