文法 #73 関係形容詞

what, which, whatever, whicheverの4つ。

[疑問形容詞 / 関係形容詞]
  • Nobody told me what time I should come. (疑問形容詞)
  • Tell me what movies you guys have seen. (疑問代名詞でも関係形容詞でもOK)
  • Pay close attention to what little difference you may find. (関係形容詞)

  • Lend me what money you can.
  • I gave him what help I could.
  • What little we know began here.

  • She got well and took a job, which change made her happy.
  • He reached the village, at which point he stopped for a drink.
  • I shed tears and didn't say a word, which mood he didn't understand.
  • They may be late, in which case we should start without them.
  • China, which country has a rapidly growing economy, has a gradually falling population.

  • Take whatever action is needed.
  • We'll have to stay in whatever hotel we can find.
  • My Dad's promised to buy me whatever laptop I want if I pass my exam.
  • Do whatever is necessary to make customers happy.

  • Choose whichever brand you prefer.
  • The bartenders will make whichever drink you chose, or invent a new one just for you.
  • When this is over, you can have whichever one you like.

※whatever と whichever は選択肢のニュアンスに違いがあるだけで用途、意味は同じ

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #23 関係代名詞
→ 文法 #22 関係副詞

→ 文法 #91 形容詞の一覧
→ 文法 #88 数量形容詞
→ 文法 #89 性質形容詞
→ 文法 #90 疑問形容詞