- To make mistakes is human.
- It's easy to play the piano, but it's very difficult to play well. (仮S真S)
- It was difficult for us to hear what she was saying. (仮S真S:to不定詞の意味上の主語を前置詞forを使って表す)
- It's kind of you to help. (仮S真S:性格、性質を表す場合には前置詞of)
- To know all is to forgive all.
- My dream is to became teacher.
- The purpose of his absence was to search his dog.
- I like to play basketball. (SVO)
- They decided to start a business together. (SVO)
- I want you to go there. (SVOO)
- His call reminds me to do my homework. (SVOO)
- He find it difficult to speak English fluently. (仮O真O)
- I thought it strange for her to have married with such an old man. (仮O真O)
→ 疑問代名詞:what, which, who
→ 疑問限定詞:what, which, whose
→ 疑問副詞:when, where, why, how (※why to do は使われない)
→ 接続詞:whether (※疑問詞ではないが同じ用法のためここで扱う)
- I don't know what to do today.(疑問代名詞:what)
- She was perplexed which to buy. (疑問代名詞:which)
- I asked coach who to interview with the reporter. (疑問代名詞:who)
- We discussed in what color to make a new product. (疑問限定詞:what)
- I need to decide which club to participate in. (疑問限定詞:which)
- We're not sure whose plan to chose. (疑問限定詞:whose)
- When to start isn't important to me. (疑問副詞:when)
- She is wondering where to study abroad. (疑問副詞:where)
- Please show me how to use this tool. (疑問副詞:how)
- I didn’t know whether to take this bus or not. (接続詞:whether)
※日記 に補足があります。
→ 文法 #71 to不定詞(形容詞用法)
→ 文法 #72 to不定詞(副詞用法)