文法 #57 場所を表す前置詞(to / toward / for / from)


[to VS toward]
toward:~の方へ(方向 ※移動・進行中のニュアンスが含まれ、到達は含まれない)、~に向かって(※移動のニュアンスが無い場合には ~に向かって、~に面して)
  • Ben walks to his office every day. (~へ)
  • When I saw Ben, he was walking toward / to his office. (~の方へ)
  • He walked toward the station.(~の方へ)
  • Our hotel room faced toward the ocean. (~に向かって、~に面して)

[to VS for]
  • The airplane went to Tokyo. (※行った:到達が含まれている)
  • The airplane left for Tokyo.(※出発した:方角のみが含まれている)
  • I missed the last train bound for Ebina.

  • Turn to the right at the next corner.
  • Can I have a one-way ticket to New York?
  • Can you come to the party?
  • We've got to get back to the ship.

  • Jack sat with his back toward the window.
  • The flowers will turn toward the sun.
  • He took a step toward her.
  • He nodded toward Jasmine.

  • "I'll get us some coffee," she said, heading for the kitchen.
  • I work for a bank.
  • Send for the doctor.
  • I was late for school.

  • When did you come back from Tokyo?
  • I'm calling from Boston.
  • He appeared from nowhere.
  • He is absent from school.

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #35 前置詞の一覧

→ 文法 #56 場所を表す前置詞(at / in / on)
→ 文法 #58 場所を表す前置詞(into / out of)
→ 文法 #59 場所を表す前置詞(over / under)
→ 文法 #60 場所を表す前置詞(above / below / beneath)
→ 文法 #61 場所を表す前置詞(up / down)
→ 文法 #62 場所を表す前置詞(before / after / behind)
→ 文法 #63 場所を表す前置詞(between / among)
→ 文法 #64 場所を表す前置詞(near / beside / by)
→ 文法 #65 場所を表す前置詞(round / around)