- at / in / on ・・・ 時刻・時間・年月日・曜日・季節・年齢
- for / during / in / since / from … to / through ・・・ 期間(~の間)
- by / until / till / in / within / up to ・・・ 期限・範囲(~まで)
- before / after ・・・ 前後
- past / beyond ・・・ 超過
- It’s exactly ten past three.
- It was past midnight by the time we arrived.
- It's way past his bedtime, but he wants to stay up and watch TV.
- You can't stay beyond closing time.
- It won't go on beyond midnight.
- It’s impossible to predict beyond the next five years as regards world economic trends.
※日記 に補足があります。
→ 文法 #35 前置詞の一覧
→ 文法 #30 時を表す前置詞(at / in / on)
→ 文法 #66 時を表す前置詞(for / during / in / since / from … to / through)
→ 文法 #67 時を表す前置詞(by / until / till / in / within / up to)
→ 文法 #68 時を表す前置詞(before / after)