文法 #111 不定代名詞 one / it と one の違い

[数的表現としての one]
  • Those are lovely scarves. I think I'll buy one.
  • One is hardly enough.
  • One is purple, the other green.
  • The three brothers get along quite well; in fact they adore one another.
  • One of the senators will lead the group to the front of the capitol.
  • The yellow car is fast, but I think the blue one will win.

[非人称的、客観的表現としての one]
  • One would think the airlines would have to close down.
  • One would think the inner dome of heaven had fallen.
  • The young comedian was awful; one felt embarrassed for him.
  • If one fails, then one must try harder next time.

不定代名詞 one が使われたあと、別の人称代名詞で置き換えられることがある。
  • We watched as one (of the flamingo) dried its feathers in the sun. (one → it)
  • One (driver) pulled her car over to the side. (one → her)
  • One must learn from one's (or his) mistakes. (one → his ※アメリカ英語)
  • One must be conscientious about your dental hygiene. (one → your ※アメリカ英語)

「数的表現としての one」を複数形で使う時は ones となる。
  • I really like the chocolate ones.
  • The ones with chocolate frosting have cream fillings.
  • Are these the ones you want?
  • Do you want these ones?
※it の複数形は them

[it と one の違い]
  • Peter bought a new bicycle.
    • I want one too. (私も自転車が欲しい)
    • I want it. (彼が買ったその自転車が欲しい)

日記 に補足があります。

文法 #101 不定代名詞
→ 文法 #97 人称代名詞

文法 #110 接尾辞(動詞)

  • ate:~にする
    • differentiate(区別する)、educate(教える)、separate(引き離す)、create(創造する)、translate(変換する)、graduate(卒業する)、duplicate(複製する)、celebrate(祝う)、donate(寄付する)
  • en:~にする
    • strengthen(強くする)、weaken(弱める)、fasten(固定する)、sharpen(尖らせる)、shorten(短くする)、darken(暗くする)、harden(固くする)、threaten(脅す)
  • fy / ify:~にする
    • satisfy(満足させる)、 beautify(美化する)、 magnify(拡大する)、clarify(明確にする)、identify(識別する)、justify:正当化する、horrify(怖がらせる)、simplify(単純化する)
  • gate:~にする
    • arrogate(不当に扱う)
  • ize / ise:~化する
    • finalize(仕上げる)、advertise(宣伝する)、apologize(謝罪する)、maximize(最大化する)、minimize(最小化する)、modernize(近代化する)、stabilize(安定させる)、visualize(思い浮かべる)、synchronize(同期させる)、specialize(特別にする)、criticize(批評する)

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #32 接頭辞
→ 文法 #107 接尾辞(名詞)
→ 文法 #108 接尾辞(形容詞)
→ 文法 #109 接尾辞(副詞)

文法 #109 接尾辞(副詞)

  • ly / ily / ally:~に(形容詞の副詞化)
    • quickly(素早く)、namely(すなわち)、critically(批判的に)、finally(ついに)、excellently(優れて)、gracefully(優雅に)、smartly(上品に)、defensively(身構えて)、professionally(専門的に)、expertly(専門的に)、lately(最近)、rightly(正しく)、completely(完全に)、really(本当に)、definitely(確かに)、maturely(もっと分別をもって)
    • angrily(怒って)、busily(忙しく)、easily(簡単に)、happily(幸せに)、luckily(幸運なことに)、readily(早速)、voluntarily(自発的に)
    • capably(上手に)、nobly(立派に)、possibly(もしかすると)、probably(恐らく)
    • academically(学究的に)、acoustically(音響学的に)、artistically(芸術的に)、classically(古典的に)、magically(魔法のように)、politically(政治的に)、tragically(悲劇的に)
  • ward:~の方向に
    • forward(前に)、afterward(その後に)、upward(上に)、downward(下に)、northward(北に)、leftward(左側に)、onward(前方に)、awkward(形容詞:不器用な)

※日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #32 接頭辞
→ 文法 #107 接尾辞(名詞)
→ 文法 #108 接尾辞(形容詞)
→ 文法 #110 接尾辞(動詞)

文法 #108 接尾辞(形容詞)

  • able / ible:~できる
    • available(利用できる)、comfortable(快適な)、capable(能力がある)、incapable(能力のない)、stable(安定した)、unstable(不安定な)、enjoyable(参加できる)、remarkable(特筆すべき)
    • invisible(見える)
  • al:性質の
    • political(政治の)、official(公式な)、postal(郵便の)、sensational(すばらしい)
  • an:性質の、人の
    • urban(都会の)、Indian(インドの)、Republican(共和党の)
  • ant:性質の
    • vacant(空いた)、malignant(悪意のある)、stimulant(刺激性の)
  • ate:~のある
    • delicate(繊細な)、passionate(情熱的な)、immediate(即座の)、moderate(手ごろな)、appropriate(適切な)
  • ative:性質、傾向、関係
    • talkative(おしゃべりな)、derivative(派生的な)、alternative(二者択一の)、native(自国の)
  • ar:状態
    • popular(人気のある)、regular(規則的な)、singular(唯一の)、rectangular(四角形の)
  • ed:~された
    • interested(興味のある)、complicated(複雑な)、extended(延長された)、fixed(固定された)、closed(密閉した)、forced(強制的な)、imported(輸入された)、included(含まれた)、informed(情報に富んだ)、interconnected(相互接続された)、prepaid(前払いの)、related(関係のある)、undoubted(疑う余地のない)
  • en / n:性質 / 材質
    • golden(金色の)、wooden(木製の)、wheaten(小麦でできた)、ashen(灰の)
  • ent:~の性質を持った / ~の状態にある
    • efficient(効率的な)、consistent(一致した)、different(異なる)、excellent(優れた)、fluent(流ちょうな)、dependent(依存している)、independent(独立した)、convenient(便利な)
  • ern:方向
    • western(西の)、northern(北の)、eastern(東の)、southern(南の)
  • ese:国の / 地方の
    • Japanese(日本の)、Chinese(中国の)、Vietnamese(ベトナムの)、Javanese(ジャワの)
  • esque:~様式の
    • picturesque(絵に描いたような)、arabesque(アラブ風の)、grotesque(奇怪な)、picaresque(冒険風の)
    • Japanesque(日本式の)、Hollywood-esque(ハリウッドみたい)
  • fic:~化する
    • horrific(恐ろしい)、terrific(恐ろしい)、calorific(カロリーの高い)、pacific(静かな)、prolific(実のたくさんある)
  • fold:~倍の
    • twofold(2倍)の、fourfold(4倍の)、eightfold(8倍の)、fewfold(数倍の)、myriadfold(無数の)
    • bifold(二つ折りの)、trifold(三つ折りの)
  • free(~のない)
    • carefree(のんきな)
  • ful:~に満ちた
    • beautiful(美しい)、helpful(役立つ)、peaceful(平和的な)、awful(恐ろしい)、faithful(誠実な)、wonderful(すばらしい)
  • ic:~的
    • academic(学問の)、graphic(写実的な)、athletic(運動競技の)、automatic(自動的な)、economic(経済的な)、fantastic(素晴らしい)、historic(歴史的な)、mechanic(機械的な)、heroic(英雄的な)
  • ical:~に関する
    • logical(論理的な)、biological(生物学の)、psychological(心理学の)、political(政治の)、physical(物質の)、economical(経済的な)、historical(歴史の)、mechanical(機械の)、technical(技術的な)、typical(典型的な)、musical(音楽の)
  • id:性質
    • solid(個体の)、liquid(液体の)、horrid(恐ろしい)
  • ing:~している
    • interesting(興味のある)、outstanding(傑出した)、pending(懸案の)、promising(有望な)、misleading(誤解を招きやすい)、preceding(先行する)、exceeding(過度の)
  • ish:性質 / 状態 / 属性
    • selfish(利己的な)、childish(子供じみた)、foolish(ばかな)
    • British(イギリスの)、Irish(アイルランドの)
  • ive:~の性質の
    • attractive(魅力的な)、sensitive(繊細な)、native(自国の)、talkative(おしゃべりな)
  • less:~がない
    • helpless(無力な)、priceless(貴重な)、careless(不注意な)、shameless(恥知らずな)、thoughtless(不注意な)、fruitless(無益な)、homeless(家のない)
  • like:~のような
    • businesslike(事務的な)、childlike(むじゃきな)、warlike(挑発的な)
  • ly:名詞+ly
    • womanly(女性的な)、friendly(親しい)、monthly(毎月の)、costly(費用のかかる)、orderly(整然とした)
  • oid:~のような
    • android(人間のような)、humanoid(人間のような)、asteroid(星型の)、trapezoid(台形の)
  • ous:~に満ちている(性質)
    • conscious(意識のある)、unconscious(無意識の)、curious(好奇心の強い)、dangerous(危険な)、famous(有名な)、obvious(明らかな)、previous(以前の)、suspicious(疑わしい)、glorious(名誉となる)、generous(惜しみない)、courageous(勇気のある)
  • y:状態
    • happy(幸せな)、dirty(汚い)、sleepy(眠い)、busy(忙しい)、angly(怒った)、wealthy(裕福な)

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #32 接頭辞
→ 文法 #107 接尾辞(名詞)
→ 文法 #109 接尾辞(副詞)
→ 文法 #110 接尾辞(動詞)

文法 #107 接尾辞(名詞)

  • age:行動 / 結果
    • wastage(浪費)、storage(貯蔵)、passage(通過)
  • al:行動 / 結果
    • refusal(拒否)、arrival(到着)、approval(承認)
  • ance:
    • appearance(出現)、clearance(撤去)、acceptance(受け入れ)、compliance(遵守)、attendance(出席)
  • ant / ent:人
    • president(大統領)、resident(居住者)、client(依頼人)、consultant(コンサルタント)、student(学生)
  • cle:一つのもの
    • miracle(奇石)、article(記事)、obstacle(障害)、spectacle(光景)、vehicle(乗り物)、particle(粒子)
  • cy:状態
    • frequency(頻度)、aristocracy(貴族)、efficiency(効果)
  • dom:状態 / 階級
    • freedom(自由)、wisdom(知性)、kingdom(王国)
  • ee:~される人
    • employee(従業員)、interviewee(面接を受ける人)、trainee(訓練生)、examinee(試験を受ける人)、committee(委員会)、referee(レフリー)、refugee(難民)
  • ence:行動 / 結果
    • preference(好み)、independence(独立)、difference(違い)、audience(聴衆)
  • ency:状態
    • dependency(依存)、currency(通貨)、efficiency(能率)
  • er:~する人
    • employer(雇用者)、interviewer(面接官)、trainer(訓練する人)、examiner(試験官)、driver(運転手)、computer(コンピューター)
  • ery / ry:行動 / 場所
    • robbery(強盗)、bakery(パン屋)、bravery(勇敢)、pottery(陶器類)、machinery(機械)、
  • gen:発生
    • oxygen(酸素)、hydrogen(水素)、nitrogen(窒素)
  • gon:多角形
    • pentagon(五角形)、hexagon(六角形)、heptagon(七角形)
  • graphy / gram / praph:書かれたもの
    • bibliography(参考文献)、geography(地理)、stenography(速記)
  • hood:状態 / 性質 / 集団
    • childhood(子供時代)、adulthood(青年期)、babyhood(乳児期)、likelihood(見込み)、neighborhood(隣人)
  • ian / an:人
    • physician(医師)、politician(政治家)、musician(音楽家)、comedian(コメディアン)、historian(歴史家)、American(アメリカ人)、Canadian(カナダ人)
  • ice:性質
    • justice(正義)、service(サービス)
  • ics:学問
    • mathematics(数学)、statistics(統計)、economics(経済学)、ethics(倫理)、tactics(戦術)、politics(政治)
  • ism:主義
    • capitalism(資本主義)、racism(人種差別)、barbarism(野蛮)
  • ist:人
    • typist(タイピスト)、pianist(ピアニスト)、novelist(小説家)、socialist(社会主義者)
  • ity:状態
    • ability(能力)、quality(品質)、probity(誠実)
  • logy:学問
    • biology(生物学)、geology(地質学)、philology(言語学)
  • ment:状態
    • agreement(同意)、argument(議論)、department(部・課・局)、disappointment(失望)、management(経営・管理)、employment(雇用)、unemployment(失業)、judgement(審判)
  • ness:状態
    • darkness(暗さ)、illness(病気)、kindness(やさしさ)、happiness(幸福)
  • nomy:学問
    • astronomy(天文学)、economy(経済)
  • or:行為者
    • director(指導者 / 監督)、elevator(エレベーター)、possessor(所有者)
  • ry:性質 / 状態
    • misery(悲惨)、delivery(配達)、laboratory(実験室)
  • ship:状態
    • leadership(リーダーシップ)、relationship(関係性)、hardship(苦難)、friendship(友好)、horsemanship(馬術)
  • sion:状態(抽象名詞化)
    • decision(決定)、discussion(議論)、conclusion(結末)、permission(権限)、compulsion(強制)、extension(拡張)、expression(表現)、occasion(場合)、television(テレビ)、version(版)、excursion(遠出)、expansion(拡大)
  • tion:状態(抽象名詞化)
    • action(行動)、alteration(変更)、solution(解決)、nation(国家)、relation(関係)、position(位置)、information(情報)、occupation(職業)、abduction(誘拐)、acquisition(獲得)、caption(見出し)
  • ty:状態 / 10の倍数
    • beauty(美)、anxiety(心配)、safety(安全)
    • twenty(20)、thirty(30)・・・

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #32 接頭辞
→ 文法 #108 接尾辞(形容詞)
→ 文法 #109 接尾辞(副詞)
→ 文法 #110 接尾辞(動詞)

文法 #106 不定詞と動名詞


begin / can't bear / can't stand / continue / hate / like / love / prefer / propose / start など
  • She began singing. = She began to sing.
  • I like to play guitar. = I like playing guitar.
  • It started to rain. = It started raining.

agree / appear / arrange / ask / attempt / beg / can't afford / can wait / care / change / choose / claim / come / consent / dare / decide / demand deserve / determine / elect / endeavor / expect / fail / get / grow up / guarantee / hesitate / hope / hurry / incline / learn / manage / mean / need / neglect / offer / pay / plan / prepare / pretend / profess / promise / prove / refuse / remain / request / resolve / say / seek / seem / shudder / strive / struggle / swear / tend / threaten / turn out / venture / volunteer / wait / want / wish / would like / yearn など
  • He is determined to go to England.
  • Camels will refuse to carry loads that are not properly balanced.
  • I just wanted to ask you a question.

abhor / acknowledge / admit / advise / allow / anticipate / appreciate / avoid / be worth / can't help / celebrate / confess / consider / defend / delay / detest / discontinue / discuss / dislike / dispute / dread / endure / enjoy / escape / evade / explain / fancy / fear / feel like / feign / finish / forgive / give up / keep / keep on / mention / mind / miss / necessitate / omit / permit / picture / postpone / practice / prevent / put off / recall / recollect / recommend / report / resent / resist / resume / risk / shirk / shun / stop / suggest / support / tolerate / urge / warrant など
  • Her parents don't allow smoking in the house. (smoking:直接目的語)
    •  参考)Tom doesn't allow his son to eat ice cream. (to eatは補語)
  • He shut the door to avoid being overheard.
  • I don’t mind working overtime.

  • need(~を必要とする)
    • The house needs cleaning.
    • The house needs to be cleaned.
    • ※上の2文は同じ意味。needに動名詞が続く時、その動名詞は受動的な意味となる。(need being cleanedとは言わない)
  • mean(~を意味する)
    • The pipes are frozen. That means getting a plumber. (結果としてなされるものがある)
    • I meant to phone the plumber, but I lost his number. (意図:~するつもり)
  • dread(~を恐れる)
    • She dreaded taking the test. (通常は動名詞を取る)
    • He dreaded to think of the consequences of his actions. (think や consider と共に使い、~について考えたくない)

stop / quit / try / forget / regret / go on / remember / mean
  • stop
    • I stopped smoking. (他動詞+目的語:~することを止める)
    • I stopped to smoke. (自動詞+目的の副詞:~するために立ち止まる)
  • quit
    • She quit working here. (他動詞+目的語:~することを辞める)
    • She quit to work here. (自動詞+目的の副詞~するために辞める)
  • try
    • I tried dieting but I didn’t lose weight. (試しに:~する)
    • I tried to diet but I couldn’t. (簡単ではないものを:~しようとする)
  • forget
    • She forgot reading the book when she was a child. (過去:~したことを忘れる)
    • I forgot to bring the tickets. (現在:~することを忘れる)
  • regret
    • I regret marrying her. (過去:~したことを後悔する)
    • We regret to inform you that the 18:30 train has been cancelled. (現在:残念なことに~する)
  • go on
    • We’ll go on questioning you until we get the truth. (継続的に:~し続ける)
    • We’ll go on to discuss the next item. (アクションを変化して:~することに続ける)
  • remember
    • I remember mentioning the meeting yesterday. (過去:~したことを覚えている)
    • He remembered to turn off the lights before he left. (現在:~することを思い出す)

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #104 現在分詞と過去分詞
→ 文法 #105 現在分詞と動名詞

文法 #105 現在分詞と動名詞

  • That snowboarding man is our trainer. (前置修飾)
  • Look at the man snowboarding over there. (後置修飾)
  • Right now, the athlete is snowboarding. (現在進行形)
  • He was snowboarding yesterday afternoon. (過去進行形)
  • Tomorrow, my friends and I are going to be snowboarding. (未来進行形)
  • He went down the hill, snowboarding tremendously speed. (分詞構文
  • Snowboarding is a winter sport. (主語)
  • I love snowboarding.  (目的語)
  • I am excited by snowboarding. (前置詞の目的語)
  • One popular sport is snowboarding. (補語)

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #25 分詞構文
文法 #104 現在分詞と過去分詞
→ 文法 #106 不定詞と動名詞

文法 #104 現在分詞と過去分詞


  • Look at the reading boy.
  • One very interesting sport is basketball.
  • There were two guys playing the guitar in the park.
  • I have never talked to a man driving a car.
  • Look at the washed car.
  • The surprised mother yelled in the kitchen.
  • Please lend me a book written by him.
  • What was the issue discussed in the meeting?

  • He is reading a book.
  • We stood looking at each other.
  • She seems suffering from a broken heart
  • They kept working in the night.
  • Anne is very interested in the lesson.
  • The airport remains closed.
  • He seemed surprised at the news.
  • They got excited at the game.

  • I saw him washing his car.
  • Don’t leave the water running.
  • I saw someone breaking a stranger’s car window to save a dog.
  • I am sorry to have kept you waiting for an hour.
  • This video will make you satisfied.
  • I’ll leave the door unlocked.
  • I made myself understood in English.
  • He found the work half-done.

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #105 現在分詞と動名詞
→ 文法 #106 不定詞と動名詞

文法 #103 代名詞の一覧

  • 人称代名詞(I / we / you / he / she / it / they)
    • 主格:I / we・・・(主語になる)
    • 所有格:my / our・・・(名詞の所有者を表す)
    • 目的格:me / us・・・(目的語になる)
    • 所有代名詞:mine / ours・・・(所有者を表す)
    • 再帰代名詞:myself / ourselves・・・(主語を再度目的語で使う)
  • 指示代名詞(this / that / these / those・・・)
  • 不定代名詞(anybody / everybody / nobody / somebody・・・)
  • 疑問代名詞(who / whose / whom / what / which)
  • 関係代名詞(who / whose / whom / which / that)
    • 複合関係代名詞(what / whoever / whomever / whichever / whatever)
    • 疑似関係代名詞(as / but / than)

※日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #97 人称代名詞
→ 文法 #98 所有代名詞
→ 文法 #99 再帰代名詞
→ 文法 #100 指示代名詞
→ 文法 #101 不定代名詞
→ 文法 #102 疑問代名詞
→ 文法 #23 関係代名詞
→ 文法 #75 as の用法(副詞 / 前置詞 / 接続詞 / 関係代名詞)

文法 #102 疑問代名詞

  • who / whose / whom(誰?)
  • what / (※) / what(何?)
  • which / (※) / which(どちら?)
※what document(何の本)、which station(どちらの駅)といった使い方をする場合、それらの what や which は 疑問形容詞

[who / whose / whom]
  • Who had handed it to her? (主語)
  • Who is that man over there? (補語)
  • Whom are you going to invite? (目的語)
  • Whose keys are on the kitchen counter? (主語)
  • Whose friend is he? (補語)
  • Whose are these books? (補語)
  • Whose bicycle did you want to borrow? (目的語)

  • She asked me who built the building. (主語)
  • I don't know who he is or what he does. (補語&目的語)
  • I don't care whom you invite. (目的語)
  • She isn't sure whose car that is. (所有格:補語)

  • Who did you come to the party with?
  • Who did you get that from?
  • I don't know who he gave the book to.
  • That is the woman who I was talking to.

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #103 代名詞の一覧

文法 #101 不定代名詞

  • (定番)
    • (人)anybody / everybody / nobody / somebody
    • (人)anyone / everyone / no one / someone
    • (物)anything / everything / nothing / something
    • (場所)anywhere /everywhere / nowhere / somewhere
  • (その他)
    • one / none / some / any / other / another / each / every / both / all / either / neither / few / many / several / enough / most / others / such など

[anybody / everybody / nobody / somebody]
  • Is this anybody's coat? (anyは疑問文や否定文で使われる)
  • Everybody enjoys the party. (every~は単数扱い)
  • Nobody came. (no=not anyだが、Anybody did't comeは好まれない)
  • They were staying in somebody's house. (someは肯定文で使わる)

  • All in the lobby must remain seated. (不定代名詞)
  • All personnel in the lobby must remain seated. (不定形容詞)
  • Please take some to Jack. (不定代名詞)
  • Please take some sticks to fix to Jack. (不定形容詞)

[単数扱い or 複数扱い]
  • 単数扱い
    • anybody / everybody / nobody / somebody
    • anyone / everyone / no one / someone
    • anything / everything / nothing / something
    • another / each / either / enough / less / little / much / neither / one / other
  • 複数扱い
    • both / few / fewer / many / others / several
  • 単複両方
    • all / any / more / most / none / some / such

[Sample Sentences]
  • (〇)Either of the sisters is welcome to attend.
  • (×)Either of the sisters are welcome to attend.
  • (〇)Both of them are busy.
  • (×)Both of them is busy.
  • (〇)None of them is alive.
  • (〇)None of them are alive.

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #103 代名詞の一覧
→ 文法 #111 不定代名詞 one / it と one の違い

文法 #100 指示代名詞

  • this / that / these / those (定番)
  • such / none / neither (英語での文法解説)
  • so / the same (日本語での英文法解説)

[this / that / these / those]
  • This is my chair. (this:singular / near by)
  • That is Richard's house. (that:singular / far away)
  • These are her pens. (these:plural / near by)
  • Those are migrating birds. (those:plural / far away)

[such / none / neither]
    • Such is the way of life. (such:singular)
    • Such are the rules. (such:plural)
    • None of this makes sense. (none:singular)
    • None of the people here seem to like the cake I made. (none:plural)
    • Neither is mine. (neither:singular)

    [so / the same]
    the same:theは冠詞でsameは形容詞だが、修飾する名詞が省略されたためthe sameをまとめて代名詞と考える(人もいる)。
    • Gimmy is a very good long-distance runner and so is his wife. (補語)
    • I think so. (目的語)
    • The same applies to you. (主語)
    • The lunch specials are always the same. (補語)
    • You always try the same and fail. (目的語)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #103 代名詞の一覧

    文法 #99 再帰代名詞

    • 1人称:myself(単数)/ ourselves(複数)
    • 2人称:yourself(単数)/ yourselves(複数)
    • 3人称:himself(単数)/ herself(単数)/ itself(単数)/ themselves(複数)

    • I cut myself on a piece of glass. (他動詞の目的語)
    • I can't bring myself to do that.(他動詞の目的語)
    • I'm going to do this by myself. (前置詞 by の目的語)
    • I'm used to cooking for myself. (前置詞 for の目的語)

    • I have to deal with this myself.  (前置詞 by の省略ともとれる)
    • I'm not feeling so good myself.  (前置詞の省略ではない)
    • The boss himself called me about the matter.

    • Enjoy yourself.
    • Please make yourself at home.
    • Do it for yourself.
    • They were beside themselves with joy. (beside+再帰代名詞:我を忘れて)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #103 代名詞の一覧

    文法 #98 所有代名詞

    • 1人称:mine(単数) / ours(複数)
    • 2人称:yours(単複)
    • 3人称:his(単) / hers(単) / theirs(複)
      • 人の名前+ 's でも所有代名詞となる(例:John's)
      • 3人称・物(it)の所有代名詞は無い

    • This bag is mine. = This bag is my bag.
    • Ours is the red car parked over there. = Our car is the red one parked over there.
    • Is this yours, Mr. Sam? = Is this your item, Mr. Sam?

    • With best wishes to you and yours. (yours = your family)
    • Yours sincerely. ( I am your servant sincerely.)

    所有格は a、an、this、that、no、any、some、every などと併用できないため、所有代名詞を使う。
    • A friend of mine succeeded his business. (a my friend とはできない)
    • Any appeal of yours will not work in his favor. (no your appeal とはできない)
    • That craft of his can travel at 60km/h. (that his craft とはできない)
    • It was no fault of theirs. (no their fault とはできない)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #103 代名詞の一覧

    文法 #97 人称代名詞


    • 1人称:I / me(単)、we / us(複)
    • 2人称:you / you(単・複)
    • 3人称:he / him、she / her(人・単)、it / it (物・単)、they / them(複)
    ※"I" は主語で使われ、"me" は目的語で使われる。

    • I like your dress.
    • We live in England.
    • You are late.
    • He is my friend.
    • She is on holiday.
    • They come from London.
    • It is raining.

    • Can you help me, please?
    • I can see you.
    • She doesn't like him.
    • I saw her in town today.
    • We saw them in town yesterday, but they didn't see us.
    • She is waiting for me.
    • Don't take it from us.
    • I'll get it for you.
    • Give it to him.
    • Why are you looking at her?
    • I'll speak to them.

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #103 代名詞の一覧
    → 文法 #111 不定代名詞 one / it と one の違い

    文法 #96 名詞の一覧


    → ①普通名詞、②固有名詞、③集合名詞、④物質名詞、⑤抽象名詞

    → 「一般的なもの」と「特定のもの」

    → 「五感で識別できるもの」と「五感で識別できないもの」

    → 「数えられるもの」と「数えられないもの」

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #92 普通名詞と固有名詞
    → 文法 #93 具象名詞と抽象名詞
    → 文法 #94 加算名詞と不可算名詞
    → 文法 #95 その他の名詞(集合名詞 / 物質名詞 / 複合名詞 / 所有名詞)

    文法 #95 その他の名詞(集合名詞 / 物質名詞 / 複合名詞 / 所有名詞)

    • The whole family was at the table. (アメリカ英語・イギリス英語)
    • The whole family were at the table. (イギリス英語ではこれもOK)

    • We use cotton from a local farm in our t-shirts.
    • Protein is critical for energy.
    • Among beverages I like to drink coffee in the morning.

    • softball(ソフトボール)/ toothpaste(歯磨き粉):1単語
    • six-pack(6パック) / son-in-law(義理の息子):ハイフンで結合
    • post office(郵便局)/ upper class(上流階級):複数単語で形成

    ものに対しての所有権を示します。「's」 を付けて表します。
    • Fred’s car is old.
    • Ireland's landscape is truly breathtaking.
    • Tigers’ claws are very sharp.

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #96 名詞の一覧

    → 文法 #92 普通名詞と固有名詞
    → 文法 #93 具象名詞と抽象名詞
    → 文法 #94 加算名詞と不可算名詞

    文法 #94 加算名詞と不可算名詞

    • dog, cat, animal, man, person
    • bottle, box, litre
    • coin, note, dollar
    • cup, plate, fork
    • table, chair, suitcase, bag
    単数の場合、a / the / my / this といった単語が付きます。
    • I want an orange.
    • Where is my bottle?
    • I like oranges.
    • Bottles can break.
    加算名詞には some、any、a few、many といった 数量形容詞 を付けることができます。
    • I've got some dollars. (some:肯定文)
    • Have you got any pens? (any:否定文や疑問文)
    • I've got a few dollars.
    • I haven't got many pens.

    • music, art, love, happiness
    • advice, information, news
    • furniture, luggage
    • rice, sugar, butter, water
    • electricity, gas, power
    • money, currency
    • This news is very important.
    • Your luggage looks heavy.
    単数でも a / an の冠詞を使うことはしない。(×an information / ×a music)
    a ~ of といった用法はできます。
    • a piece of news
    • a bottle of water
    • a grain of rice
    不加算名詞には some、any、a little、much といった 数量形容詞 を付けることができます。
    • I've got some money. (some:肯定文)
    • Have you got any rice? (any:否定文や疑問文)
    • I've got a little money.
    • I haven't got much rice.

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #96 名詞の一覧

    → 文法 #92 普通名詞と固有名詞
    → 文法 #93 具象名詞と抽象名詞
    → 文法 #95 その他の名詞(集合名詞 / 物質名詞 / 複合名詞 / 所有名詞)

    文法 #93 具象名詞と抽象名詞

    物理的に経験できる名詞。通常、名詞は人、場所、物であると教えられているため、ほとんどの名詞は具象名詞となる。以下の名詞は全て具象名詞(普通名詞 / 固有名詞 / 加算名詞 / 不可算名詞 / 集合名詞)。
    • dog / whistling / stew / flower / skin(普通名詞)
    • Susan / OB-LA-DI,OB-LA-DA / Chip star / Febreze / Merino wool(固有名詞)
    • pet bottle / sounds / rock sugar / perfume / bill (加算名詞)
    • air / music / medicine / seaspray / baggage (不可算名詞)
    • team / choir / confectionery / herd / troupe (集合名詞)
    具象名詞は五感で体験でき、上の例は 視覚 / 聴覚 / 味覚 / 嗅覚 / 触覚 の順に1つづつ並べています。

    • courage, love, pleasure, acceptance, democracy, progress, etc

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #96 名詞の一覧

    → 文法 #92 普通名詞と固有名詞
    → 文法 #94 加算名詞と不可算名詞
    → 文法 #95 その他の名詞(集合名詞 / 物質名詞 / 複合名詞 / 所有名詞)

    文法 #92 普通名詞と固有名詞

    [普通名詞(Common Nouns)]
    1. 固有名詞のグループ化として扱う場合
      • country, man, week, teacher, family, nation, air, wood, music, danger, ...
        ※family / nation といったものは集合名詞、air / wood といったものは物質名詞、music / danger といったものは抽象名詞にカテゴライズし、これにより全ての名詞を「普通名詞、集合名詞、固有名詞、物質名詞、抽象名詞」の5種類に分ける。基本的に日本人向けの文法書はこのパターン。
    2. 固有名詞以外全てとする場合
      • country, man, week, teacher, family, nation, air, wood, music, danger, ...

    [固有名詞(Proper Nouns)]
    • Japan, Steve, Monday, ...

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #96 名詞の一覧

    → 文法 #93 具象名詞と抽象名詞
    文法 #94 加算名詞と不可算名詞
    → 文法 #95 その他の名詞(集合名詞 / 物質名詞 / 複合名詞 / 所有名詞)

    文法 #91 形容詞の一覧

    • 数量形容詞
      • both / all / any / some / etc
      • one / two / three / four / five ・・・(基数形容詞)
      • first / second / third / forth / fifth ・・・(序数形容詞)
    • 性質形容詞
      • kind / busy / glad / sweet / sorry / right / etc
    • 疑問形容詞
      • what / which
    • 関係形容詞
      • what / which / whatever / whichever

    → 文法 #88 数量形容詞
    → 文法 #89 性質形容詞
    → 文法 #90 疑問形容詞
    → 文法 #73 関係形容詞

    文法 #90 疑問形容詞

    • what / which

    • Can you tell what kind of apple this is?
    • Do you know what time that accident happened?
    • She advised him on what books to read.

    • I guess it doesn't make any difference which swimming club I join.
    • If you had a time machine, which year would you visit?
    • I had trouble deciding which brand of dog food to feed my dog.

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #91 形容詞の一覧

    → 文法 #88 数量形容詞
    → 文法 #89 性質形容詞
    → 文法 #73 関係形容詞

    文法 #89 性質形容詞

    • 本来形容詞のもの(大部分の形容詞)
    • 名詞が形容詞に転じたもの
      • 名詞がその形のまま形容詞の働きをする
      • 名詞が派生形となって形容詞の働きをする
    • 動詞が形容詞に転じたもの
      • 現在分詞で形容詞の働きをする
      • 過去分詞で形容詞の働きをする
      • 動名詞で形容詞の働きをする
      • 動詞が派生形となって形容詞の働きをする
    • 副詞が形容詞に転じたもの

    • kind / busy / glad / sweet / sorry / right ・・・

    • cat food  / city hall / fruit juice ・・・
    • sports news (※複数形となることはごくまれ)

    • Japanese food(接尾辞:ese)
    • healthy salad (接尾辞:y)
    • wooden house (接尾辞:en)※wood chair のように変化しないこともある
    • musical instrument (接尾辞:al)※music video のように変化しないこともある
    • beautiful scenery (接尾辞:ful)

    • following day / aging society / rising sun ・・・

    • broken camera / detailed information / fallen leaves ・・・

    • writing skill / smoking room / swimming pool / running shows ・・・

    • countless star (接尾辞:less)
    • wearable mask (接尾辞:able)
    • creative art (接尾辞:ive)

    • Up train (上り列車)
    • nearly 3% of Japanese
    • almost 2,000 yen
    ※nearly と almost は数量形容詞と言った方がいいかもしれない

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #91 形容詞の一覧

    → 文法 #88 数量形容詞
    → 文法 #90 疑問形容詞
    → 文法 #73 関係形容詞

    文法 #88 数量形容詞

    • 不定数量形容詞
      • 加算名詞に使う不定数量形容詞
      • 不可算名詞に使う不定数量形容詞
    • 数詞形容詞
      • 基数形容詞:個数を表す
      • 序数形容詞:順序を表す

    • both(両方の):加算 名詞に使う
    • all(全部の):加算 / 不可算 名詞に使う
    • any (いかなる):加算 / 不可算 名詞に使う
    • some (いくつかの):加算 / 不可算 名詞に使う
    • no (まったく~ない):加算 / 不可算 名詞に使う
    • either (どちらか一方の):加算 名詞に使う
    • neither (どちらも~ない):加算 名詞に使う
    • each (おのおのの):加算 名詞に使う
    • every (すべての):加算 名詞に使う
    • enough (十分な):加算 / 不可算 名詞に使う
    • few (ほとんど~ない):加算 名詞に使う
    • little (ほとんど~ない):不可算 名詞に使う
    • several (いくつかの):加算 名詞に使う
    • many (たくさんの):加算 名詞に使う
    • much (たくさんの):不可算 名詞に使う
    • more (より多くの):加算 / 不可算 名詞に使う
    • most (もっとも多くの):加算 / 不可算 名詞に使う

    [Sample sentences]
    • It's worthwhile to visit both places. (both:複数形)
    • All my homework is done. (all:単数形)
    • That box is too small to hold all these things. (all:複数形)
    • We can't afford to make any mistakes. (any:複数形)
    • I want some answers. (some:複数形)
    • There are no hats in that store that fit me. (no:単数形)
    • There is no market for these goods in Japan. (no:複数形)
    • You can take either book. (either:単数形)
    • This is a war which neither side can win. (neither:単数形)
    • George laid aside some money each week. (each:単数形)
    • I catch a cold every year. (every:単数形)
    • We have enough seats for everyone. (enough:複数形)
    • The police have few clues to go on in this case.(few:複数形)
    • I was living in Boston a few years ago. (a few:複数形)
    • He made several serious mistakes. (several:複数形)
    • You ask me too many questions. (many & 加算名詞 複)
    • We need more workers to complete this project in time. (more:複数形)
    • Most students are preparing for the final exams. (most:複数形)
    • I want to dedicate all my time to this project. (all)
    • Sam didn't feel any pain. (any)
    • I just need some air. (some)
    • I have no money to buy the dictionary with. (no)
    • I don't get enough sleep. (enough)
    • There is little hope. (little)
    • I'm a little nervous. (a little)
    • Are you in much pain? (much)
    • We need more time to solve the question. (more)
    • Most water in the bottle has been drunk by him. (most)

    • Five pens (5つの)
    • Six tables (6つの)

    • The first date (最初の)
    • The third month (3番目の)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #91 形容詞の一覧

    → 文法 #89 性質形容詞
    → 文法 #90 疑問形容詞
    → 文法 #73 関係形容詞

    文法 #87 副詞の一覧


    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
    → 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
    → 文法 #86 疑問副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #86 疑問副詞

    when(いつ)、where(どこ)、why(なぜ)、how(どのように) の4つ。
    • When will you leave for London? (when:時)
    • Where is the coffee shop? (where:場所)
    • Why is it so quiet here? (why:原因・理由)
    • How is the weather today? (how:程度・方法・状態)

    • How many watches do you have? (how many:数)
    • How much was the car? (how much:値段)
    • How much gasoline does the car have? (how much:量)
    • How often do you go shopping? (how often:頻度)
    • How fast can the car run at best? (how fast:速度)
    • How big was the sakura tree which you said you saw last year. (how big:大きさ)
    • How far Shibuya from Sinjuku? (how far:距離)
    • How long does it take from the nearest station to your house? (how long:時間)

    • How are you doing? (調子はどうですか?)
    • How do you do? (はじめまして)
    • How have you been? (元気でした?)

    • I don't know when I'll return.
    • I asked where Ben was.
    • I have to ask her why she was there. (※関係副詞whyと同じ構造になるので、一般的には疑問副詞とみなさない)
    • Do you know how long she has been living in Japan?

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
    → 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞

    • Happily he did not die. ←→ He did not die happily. (死ななかった / 死んだ)
    • He naturally expressed his thanks. ←→ He expressed his thanks naturally. (当然だ / 素直に)

    [Sample sentence]
    • Obviously, he is opposed to my plan. (obviously:明らかに = evidently)
    • Fortunately the train was late so we did not miss it. (fortunately:幸運なことに = luckily)
    • That was probably sensible of her. (probably:おそらく = possibly)
    • Generally, women live 10 years longer than men. (generally:一般的に)
    • Apparently, that bank has a lot of security process. (apparently:一見して)
    • Tom definitely chaired the meeting. (definitely:確かなことに)
    • Perhaps you've seen the accident. (perhaps:ひょっとすると)
    • Officially, the talks never took place. (officially:公式には)
    • Regrettably, the experiment ended in failure. (regrettably:残念ながら)
    • Curiously enough, a year later exactly the same thing happened again. (curiously:不思議なことに)
    • Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain. (amazingly:驚くべきことに)
    • Surely, there is some way we can fix this. (surely:たしかに)
    • Briefly, I think we should accept their offer.  (briefly:手短に言うと)
    • Frankly speaking, I don't think it any good to invest in real estate. (frankly:率直に言うと)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
    → 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
    → 文法 #86 疑問副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞

    • quietly (静かに)
    • peacefully (穏やかに)
    • carefully (注意深く)
    • slowly (ゆっくり)
    • badly (ひどく)
    • closely (密接に)
    • easily (簡単に)
    • well (上手に)
    • fast (速く)
    • quickly (素速く)
    • cheerfully (元気よく)
    • accidentally (偶然に)
    • specifically (明確に)
    • strongly (強く)
    • beautifully (美しく)
    • worriedly (心配そうに)

    • Nick quietly closed the bedroom door. (動詞の前)
    • The last years of his life were peacefully occupied. (be動詞と過去分詞の間)
    • I suggest you listen carefully. (文末)
    • Paul is slowly getting better. (be動詞と現在分詞の間)
    • You can easily find the bank. (助動詞と一般動詞の間)
    • I'd like you to quickly browse through these documents. (動詞の前)
    • Birds sang cheerfully in the trees. (節の最後)

    [Sample sentences]
    • We waited here quietly. (quietly:静かに)
    • Hopes of settling the conflict peacefully are fading. (peacefully:平和的に)
    • Alan carefully wiped his fingerprints off the knife. (carefully:注意深く)
    • The balloon went up slowly. (slowly:ゆっくりと)
    • His bag was badly damaged. (badly:ひどく)
    • Please watch closely. (closely:近づいて)
    • I solved the problem easily. (easily:簡単に)
    • Steve said he slept well last night. (well:よく)
    • Naoko can run fast. (fast:速く)
    • Alice speaks relatively quickly. (quickly:速く)
    • The boy was whistling cheerfully. (cheerfully:元気に)
    • A waiter accidentally drops a stack of dishes and thereby creates a mess. (accidentally:偶然に)
    • These advertisements are specifically aimed at young people. (specifically:とりわけ)
    • I strongly advise you let Tony handle this. (strongly:強く)
    • In Russia, beautifully painted and decorated eggs are offered as gifts. (beautifully:きれいに)
    • He is worriedly touching his face as I prepare to take his photo. (worriedly:心配そうに)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
    → 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
    → 文法 #86 疑問副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞

    • accordingly / consequently / hence / so / therefore / thus (それ故に)
    • then (その後)
    • finally (最終的に)
    ※since は接続詞、so ~ that の that は接続詞で、原因・結果を表す。

    [Sample sentences]
    • He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went. (accordingly:それ故に、それに応じて/伴って)
    • I overslept and consequently couldn't join them. (consequently:それ故に)
    • He worked in a garage, hence his nickname "Spanner". (hence:それ故に)
    • Jack can't cook very well so he often eats out. (so:それ故に、そんなわけで)
    • You have certain privileges and therefore corresponding responsibilities. (therefore:それ故に)
    • The Internet has a lot of information and thus also a lot of useless information. (thus:それ故に、したがって)
    • I took a bath and then had a glass of beer. (then:その後で)
    • It took us a while, but we finally finished the job. (finally:最終的に)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
    → 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
    → 文法 #86 疑問副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞

    • yes

    • absolutely / definitely / clearly(絶対的に、はっきりと)
    • truly / actually / exactly / indeed(ほんとうに、実際に、まったく)
    • certainly / surely (確かに)
    • probably / possibly /  (ありえそう)
    • maybe / perhaps (たぶん、恐らく)

    [Sample sentences]
    • "Would you like me to open a window?" "Yes, please." (yes)
    • You are absolutely correct. (absolutely)
    • I'm truly sorry. (truly)
    • I certainly hope so. (certainly)
    • We've probably made a mistake. (probably)
    • Maybe that's not the problem. (maybe)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
    → 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
    → 文法 #86 疑問副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #81 否定を表す副詞

    • I don't have a ticket. (not)
    • You're no younger than I am. (no)
    • I've never thought about it before. (never)
    • The wind was so strong that we were basically going nowhere. (nowhere)
    • "My father doesn't drink." "Neither does my father." (neither)

    • He's not at all worried about his car's reliability.(not at all)
    • The list shown here is by no means exhaustive. (by no means)
    • She was in no way to blame. (in no way)
    • I'm no longer in danger. (no longer)
    • The result is neither good nor bad. (neither A nor B)

    • I could hardly understand him. (hardly:程度)
    • The city had scarcely changed in 20 years. (scarcely:程度)
    • He is little known as an artist.  (little:程度)
    • I rarely saw him at school. (rarely:頻度)
    • He seldom goes to church. (seldom:頻度)
    ※little や few は準否定の形容詞

    • They care for nothing but fighting. (nothing but = only)
    • He was not a little puzzled at her speech.(not a little = very)
    • Not a few of the members were present. (not a few = very)

    • People are not all the same. (not all)
    • The car did not always win the race. (not always)
    • You can't use both of them.(not both)
    • Not everyone who plays the lottery will be a winner. (not every)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
    → 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
    → 文法 #86 疑問副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞

    • always(いつも)
    • usually(たいてい)/ generally(通常)/ normally(普段)
    • often(しばしば)/ frequently(頻繁に)
    • sometimes(ときどき)/ occasionally(ときどき)
    • seldom(めったに~しない)/ rarely(めったに~しない)
    • never(決して~ない)
    ※その他にも almost always(ほとんどいつも)、almost everyday(ほとんど毎日)、regularly(いつも)、now and then(たまに)、almost never(ほとんど~ない)、hardly ever(ほとんど~ない)、scarcely ever(ほとんど~ない)といったものもある。
    ※very often(とても頻繁に)とか not always(いつも~しない / 必ずしも~ではない)といった感じで強調や否定と組み合わせることもある。

    • He is always late for school. (be動詞の後)
    • I always got up early in my childhood. (一般動詞の前)
    • Your room must always be kept clean. (助動詞の直後)
    • I have always wanted to live in New York. (完了形の助動詞haveの直後)
    • Michael doesn't always come late. (否定の副詞notの直後:必ずしも~ではない)
    • I always didn't see you. (助動詞の前:いつも~しなかった)

    [Sample sentences]
    • Ann always keeps her room clean. (always:いつも)
    • Jack almost always wears a hat. (almost always:ほとんどいつも)
    • I usually take a bath after dinner. (usually:たいてい)
    • I generally have lunch there. (generally:たいてい)
    • I normally get off work at about 8 o'clock in the evening. (たいてい)
    • Mary often wears long skirts. (しばしば)
    • Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. (頻繁に)
    • We sometimes go out for a drive. (ときどき)
    • I occasionally meet him at the club. (ときどき)
    • He seldom stays home on Sundays.(めったに~しない)
    • David rarely reads magazines. (めったに~しない)
    • I hardly ever take my dog for a walk. (ほとんど~しない)
    • Wally never drinks beer. (決して~しない)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
    → 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
    → 文法 #86 疑問副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #79 程度を表す副詞

    • extremely hot(極端に熱い)
    • very hot(とても熱い)
    • hot(熱い)
    • rather hot(むしろ熱い)
    • fairly hot(わずかに熱い)
    • hot / cold / warm (熱い・寒い・暖かい)
    • big / small / tall / deep(大きい・小さい・高い・深い)
    • high / low(高い・低い)
    • long / short (長い・短い)
    • strong / weak(強い・弱い)
    • young / old(若い・年を取った)
    • beautiful / dirty(きれい・汚い)
    • tough / soft(固い・柔らかい)
    • happy / sad / angry(楽しい・悲しい・怒った)
    • important / clever / friendly / popular(親切な・賢い・心地よい・人気がある) etc
    • すごく重要、ものすごく重要、けっこう重要、ちょっとは重要、すげぇ重要、とんでもなく重要、激しく重要、死ぬほど重要、大部分は重要、一部重要、泣くほど重要、完璧なまでに重要、全面的に重要、今すぐ重要、のちほど重要、微妙に重要、そのように重要、十分重要、その上で重要、さらに重要、余りにも重要、、、
    • most(もっとも)、much(はるかに)、quite(完全に)、hard(非常に)、enough(十分に)、almost(ほとんど)、exactly(きっかり)、nearly(ほぼ)、so(そんなに)、even(さらに)、more(もっと)、only(ほんの)、little(ほとんどない)

    • He  was just leaving. (完了の程度:ちょうど)
    • she has almost finished. (完了の程度:ほとんど)
    • I walked a lot. (状態の程度:かなり)
    • He had hardly lunch. (状態の程度:ほとんどまったく)
    • The explosion completely destroyed the building.(状態の程度:完全に)
    • He speaks English fluently. (能力の程度:流ちょうに)
    • He runs fast. (能力の程度:早くに)

    • The workers completed the repair extremely quickly.(極めて敏速に)
    • Her speech was surprisingly well. (驚くほどうまく)
    • The teacher's explanation was so clearly that everyone understood it. (それほど明確に)
    • Nick feels very strongly about this.(とても強くに)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)
    → 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
    → 文法 #86 疑問副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #78 名詞と間違えやすい副詞(there / here / 時 / 場所 など)

    • There is two books on the table. 
    • I want to go there.
    • What is over there? (over there で副詞:向こうで)
    • I'll be right there. (right there で副詞:すぐに、すぐそこで)
    • Someone is having a quarrel out there. (out there で副詞:あちらで)

    • Here are the requirements.
    • Here you are. (決まり文句:どうぞ)
    • Here we go. (決まり文句:さあ、行こう)
    • You can find a lot of flowers here and there. (here and there:あちこちで)
    • How far is it from here to the station? (副詞が前置詞の目的語となるケース)

    • This is by far the best smartphone I've ever used. (by far:はるかに)
    • Why have you kept such an excellent wine back till now? (till now:これまで)
    • Why did you trick me for long? (for long:長い間)
    • He returned from abroad the day before yesterday. (from abroad:海外から)
    • She appeared from behind. (from behind:後ろから)
    • You must be careful from now on. (from now on:今後)

    today / yesterday / now / tonight / this morning / three o'clock など
    • It's fine today. / Today is Tuesday.
    • My father, who is now working in America, wrote us a letter last week.(now, last week:副詞)
    • The train left at ten, so it should have arrived in Osaka by now.(now:名詞)
    • Now that you are grown up, you must not behave like a child. (now that:接続詞)
    • I usually get up 6 o'clock. (6 o'clock:副詞)

    home / abroad / downtown / upstairs / outdoors / here / there / somewhere / near / far / away / up / down / above / below / forward / backward など
    • I'm going home. / We have to stay at home.
    • Nancy is traveling abroad for two weeks.
    • I remember meeting her somewhere.
    • I've sold thirty tickets so far. (so far:これまでに)
    • As far as I know, he has never come on time. (as far as I know:私が知り得るかぎり)
    • This is by far the tallest building in this city. (by far:はるかに)
    • Tom was living rent-free in a small house not too far from us. (far:形容詞)

    near / well / then / so / off / out / very / enough
    • Don't get too near.
    • I'm not sleeping well.
    • Please wait until 3:00. She'll be back then. 
    • I think so.
    • Turn it off.
    • Get out.
    • I'm very busy.
    • We've heard enough of your complaints.

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #87 副詞の一覧

    → 文法 #79 程度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #80 頻度を表す副詞
    → 文法 #82 肯定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #81 否定を表す副詞
    → 文法 #83 原因・結果を表す副詞
    文法 #84 様態を表す副詞
    文法 #85 文修飾の副詞
    → 文法 #86 疑問副詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    文法 #77 前置詞 about / 副詞 about

    • Think about it.
    • How about a beer? (how about:勧誘)
    • Do you want to tell me about it? (前置詞句 about it は tell の目的語)
    • "What shall we write about?" they asked.

    • His house is somewhere about here. (about hereは定型句)
    • It will be about the end of our adventures, I guess. (数値に使う場合は副詞)
    • Many strange things happened about me. (=around ※米)

    • I got up about six. (時間)
    • I walked about 1 mile. (距離)
    • I paid about 50 dollars. (お金)

    • It's about time.
    • We're about ready.
    • That's about right. 
    • I was about to go out when he called on me. (be to do構文にaboutが付く)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #35 前置詞の一覧

    文法 #76 除外を表す前置詞(without / except / except for / but / unless)

    • Continue without me.
    • I drink tea without sugar.
    • He left without saying goodbye.
    • Don't touch anything without asking.

    [exept / except for]
    • I work every day except Sunday.
    • Everyone except me knew it.
    • No one came except Mary.
    • Nick doesn't watch TV except on Saturdays. (前置詞句がexceptの目的語)
    • Except for the weather, it was a great picnic. (except forで1つの前置詞)

    • I'll do anything but that work.
    • I didn’t tell anyone but my boss.
    • Open the last page but one of the book.
    • I know nothing but that he came from China. (名詞節がbutの目的語)
    • I had no choice but to go. (不定詞の名詞用法がbutの目的語)
    • He is all but dead. (形容詞deadがbutの目的語)
      • ≒ He is almost dead.
    • He is anything but a gentleman.
      • ≒ He is far from a gentleman.

    • The tax will be increased unless Lehman shock-class disaster.
    • Nothing, unless a miracle, could save him.
    • Unless malfunction, this machine makes exactly 600 parts per minutes.
    ※unlessは基本的に仮定を表す接続詞(=if not)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #35 前置詞の一覧

    文法 #75 as の用法(副詞 / 前置詞 / 接続詞 / 関係代名詞)

    • He is as tall as I. (形容詞 tall を修飾)
    • Come as soon as possible (副詞の soon を修飾)
    • This pen is three times as thick as that pen. (倍数表現)
    • Tom is not as honest as John. (否定文に注意)

    • She is working as a interpreter for 10 years.
    • I regarded his story as untrustworthy. (regard A as B)
    • As a rule, he is not punctual. (as a rule)
    • As a matter of fact, I don't know the truth. (as a matter of fact)

    • They arrived as we were leaving. (時)
    • As you were out, I left a message. (原因・理由)
    • She arrived early, as I expected. (様態)
    • As the show increases in popularity, more and more tickets are sold daily. (比例・比較)
    • Strange as it may seem, I never really wanted to become engineer.(譲歩)
    ※接続詞 as は文法 #13でも一通り紹介済み。

    • I received the same grade as you did. (先行詞は same + 名詞)
    • I can't eat such food as we give the dog (先行詞は such + 名詞)
    • As we all know, the earth is not flat. (先行詞は主節全体)
    • He is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent. (先行詞は主節全体)
    • As I said before, you must leave. (先行詞は主節全体)

    日記 に補足があります。

    文法 #13 接続詞as
    → 文法 #35 前置詞の一覧
    → 文法 #103 代名詞の一覧

    解釈 #06-3 Momotaro

    “Oh,” says the old man, “I’m off to the mountains with my billhook to gather a faggot of sticks for our fire. And what are you doing, good wife?”
    • off:(adv) 離れて
    • billhook [bílhùk]:かま
    • faggot [fǽgət]:まきの束
    • stick [stík]:まき



    “Oh,” says the old woman, “I’m off to the stream to wash clothes. It’s my washing day,” she adds.
    • stream [stríːm]:小川
    → back

    So the old man went to the mountains and the old woman went to the stream.
    → back

    Now, while she was washing the clothes, what should she see but a fine ripe peach that came floating down the stream?
    • fine:品質の良い(→おいしそうな)
    • ripe:熟れた
    • float:浮かぶ
    • down:(prep)~の下に向かって
    • should は意味は[義務]を表すが、「何を見たでしょう?」と言う程度の訳にする。
    → back

    The peach was big enough, and rosy red on both sides.
    • rosy:バラ色の
    • on both sidesは「両側に」と言う意味なのだが、1個のももなので「全体が・全体的に」と訳す。
    → back

    “I’m in luck this morning,” said the dame, and she pulled the peach to shore with a split bamboo stick.
    • in luck:(adv) 運がよくて
    • dame [déim]:〈米俗・古〉女性
    • split は「割れた」という形容詞で使われている。ここでは「切れ端」と訳す。
    → back

    By-and-by, when her good man came home from the hills, she set the peach before him.
    • by-and-by:やがて、しばらくして、間もなく
    → back

    “Eat, good man,” she said; “this is a lucky peach I found in the stream and brought home for you.”

    → back

    But the old man never got a taste of the peach. And why did he not?

    → back

    All of a sudden the peach burst in two and there was no stone to it, but a fine boy baby where the stone should have been.
    • stone:果実の種
    → back

    “Mercy me!” says the old woman.
    • mercy:なんと!
    → back

    “Mercy me!” says the old man.
    → back

    The boy baby first ate up one half of the peach and then he ate up the other half.
    → back

    When he had done this he was finer and stronger than ever.
    → back

    “Momotaro! Momotaro!” cries the old man; “the eldest son of the peach.”
    → back

    “Truth it is indeed,” says the old woman; “he was born in a peach.”
    → back

    Both of them took such good care of Momotaro that soon he was the stoutest and bravest boy of all that country-side.
    • stout:丈夫な、勇敢な
    → back

    He was a credit to them, you may believe.
    • credit:栄誉
    → back

    The neighbours nodded their heads and they said, “Momotaro is the fine young man!”
    → back

    “Mother,” says Momotaro one day to the old woman, “make me a good store of kimi-dango” (which is the way that they call millet dumplings in those parts).
    • store:貯蔵
    • millet:キビ
    • dumpling:団子
    → back

    “What for do you want kimi-dango?” says his mother.
    → back

    “Why,” says Momotaro, “I’m going on a journey, or as you may say, an adventure, and I shall be needing the kimi-dango on the way.”
    → back

    “Where are you going, Momotaro?” says his mother.
    → back

    “I’m off to the Ogres’ Island,” says Momotaro, “to get their treasure, and I should be obliged if you’d let me have the kimi-dango as soon as may be,” he says.
    • Ogre [ə́ugə]:鬼、オーガ
    → back

    So they made him the kimi-dango, and he put them in a wallet, and he tied the wallet to his girdle and off he set.
    • girdle:腰帯、ガードル
    • set off:出発する
    → back

    “Sayonara, and good luck to you, Momotaro!” cried the old man and the old woman.
    • good luck:幸運を祈る
    → back

    “Sayonara! Sayonara!” cried Momotaro.
    → back

    He hadn’t gone far when he fell in with a monkey.
    • fall in with:偶然~と出会う
    → back

    “Kia! Kia!” says the monkey. “Where are you off to, Momotaro?”
    → back

    Says Momotaro, “I’m off to the Ogres’ Island for an adventure.”
    → back

    “What have you got in the wallet hanging at your girdle?”
    → back

    “Now you’re asking me something,” says Momotaro; “sure, I’ve some of the best millet dumplings in all Japan.”
    → back

    “Give me one,” says the monkey, “and I will go with you.”
    → back

    So Momotaro gave a millet dumpling to the monkey, and the two of them jogged on together.
    • jog:足早に歩き始める
    → back

    They hadn’t gone far when they fell in with a pheasant.
    • pheasant [fézənt]:キジ
    → back

    “Ken! Ken!” said the pheasant.
    → back

    “Where are you off to, Momotaro?”
    → back

    Says Momotaro, “I’m off to the Ogres’ Island for an adventure.”
    → back

    “What have you got in your wallet, Momotaro?”
    → back

    “I’ve got some of the best millet dumplings in all Japan.”
    → back

    “Give me one,” says the pheasant, “and I will go with you.”
    → back

    So Momotaro gave a millet dumpling to the pheasant, and the three of them jogged on together.
    → back

    They hadn’t gone far when they fell in with a dog.
    → back

    “Bow! Wow! Wow!” says the dog. “Where are you off to, Momotaro?”
    → back

    Says Momotaro, “I’m off to the Ogres’ Island.”
    → back

    “What have you got in your wallet, Momotaro?”
    → back

    “I’ve got some of the best millet dumplings in all Japan.”
    → back

    “Give me one,” says the dog, “and I will go with you.”
    → back

    So Momotaro gave a millet dumpling to the dog, and the four of them jogged on together.
    → back

    By-and-by they came to the Ogres’ Island.
    • by and by:やがて、間もなく、しばらくして
    → back

    “Now, brothers,” says Momotaro, “listen to my plan.
    → back

    The pheasant must fly over the castle gate and peck the Ogres.
    • peck [pék]:つつく、ついばむ
    → back

    The monkey must climb over the castle wall and pinch the Ogres.
    • pinch:つまむ
    → back

    The dog and I will break the bolts and bars.
    • bolt:ボルト、かんぬき
    → back

    He will bite the Ogres, and I will fight the Ogres.”
    • bite [báit]:かむ
    → back

    Then there was the great battle.
    → back

    The pheasant flew over the castle gate: “Ken! Ken! Ken!”
    → back

    Momotaro broke the bolts and bars, and the dog leapt into the castle courtyard. “Bow! Wow! Wow!”
    • leap:飛び跳ねる
    • leapt [lépt]
    • courtyard [kɔ́rtjɑ̀rd]:中庭
    → back

    The brave companions fought till sundown and overcame the Ogres.
    • companion [kəmpǽnjən]:仲間
    • overcome [òuvərkʌ́m]:打ち勝つ
    → back

    Those that were left alive they took prisoners and bound with cords—a wicked lot they were.
    • prisoner:囚人
    • bind:縛る、固定する
    • cord:コード
    • wicked:ひどく悪い
    • lot:たくさんの奴ら
    → back

    “Now, brothers,” says Momotaro, “bring out the Ogres’ treasure.”
    → back

    So they did.
    → back

    The treasure was worth having, indeed.
    → back

    There were magic jewels there, and caps and coats to make you invisible.
    → back

    There was gold and silver, and jade and coral, and amber and tortoise-shell and mother-of-pearl.
    • jade
    • coral
    • amber
    • tortoise-shell
    • mother-of-pearl
    → back

    “Here’s riches for all,” says Momotaro. “Choose, brothers, and take your fill.”
    → back

    “Kia! Kia!” says the monkey. “Thanks, my Lord Momotaro.”
    → back

    “Ken! Ken!” says the pheasant. “Thanks, my Lord Momotaro.”
    → back

    “Bow! Wow! Wow!” says the dog. “Thanks, my dear Lord Momotaro.”
    → back

    文法 #74 時制の一致

    • I am searching the ticket which I bought last month. (従属節は過去形)
    • I think that he is ill. (従属節は現在形)
    • I don't know when they will come here.(従属節は未来形)

    • I was searching the ticket at that time which I had bought last month. (従属節は過去完了形(大過去))
    • I thought that he was ill. (従属節は過去形)
    • I didn't know when they would come here. (従属節は助動詞の過去形)

    • I will search the ticket which I bought last month. (従属節は過去形)
    • I will go shopping if it rains tomorrow. (従属節は現在形)

    • I said to him "If you go shopping for furniture I will lend my car.". (直接話法)
    • At school, I learned that water boils at 100℃. (普遍的な事実)
    • He said that he jogs every day. ((現在も変らない)習慣)
    • He told that if he had money he would assist them with funds. (仮定法:従属節は過去を起点にした変化をしていない)

    日記 に補足があります。

    文法 #73 関係形容詞

    what, which, whatever, whicheverの4つ。

    [疑問形容詞 / 関係形容詞]
    • Nobody told me what time I should come. (疑問形容詞)
    • Tell me what movies you guys have seen. (疑問代名詞でも関係形容詞でもOK)
    • Pay close attention to what little difference you may find. (関係形容詞)

    • Lend me what money you can.
    • I gave him what help I could.
    • What little we know began here.

    • She got well and took a job, which change made her happy.
    • He reached the village, at which point he stopped for a drink.
    • I shed tears and didn't say a word, which mood he didn't understand.
    • They may be late, in which case we should start without them.
    • China, which country has a rapidly growing economy, has a gradually falling population.

    • Take whatever action is needed.
    • We'll have to stay in whatever hotel we can find.
    • My Dad's promised to buy me whatever laptop I want if I pass my exam.
    • Do whatever is necessary to make customers happy.

    • Choose whichever brand you prefer.
    • The bartenders will make whichever drink you chose, or invent a new one just for you.
    • When this is over, you can have whichever one you like.

    ※whatever と whichever は選択肢のニュアンスに違いがあるだけで用途、意味は同じ

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #23 関係代名詞
    → 文法 #22 関係副詞

    → 文法 #91 形容詞の一覧
    → 文法 #88 数量形容詞
    → 文法 #89 性質形容詞
    → 文法 #90 疑問形容詞