文法 #100 指示代名詞

  • this / that / these / those (定番)
  • such / none / neither (英語での文法解説)
  • so / the same (日本語での英文法解説)

[this / that / these / those]
  • This is my chair. (this:singular / near by)
  • That is Richard's house. (that:singular / far away)
  • These are her pens. (these:plural / near by)
  • Those are migrating birds. (those:plural / far away)

[such / none / neither]
    • Such is the way of life. (such:singular)
    • Such are the rules. (such:plural)
    • None of this makes sense. (none:singular)
    • None of the people here seem to like the cake I made. (none:plural)
    • Neither is mine. (neither:singular)

    [so / the same]
    the same:theは冠詞でsameは形容詞だが、修飾する名詞が省略されたためthe sameをまとめて代名詞と考える(人もいる)。
    • Gimmy is a very good long-distance runner and so is his wife. (補語)
    • I think so. (目的語)
    • The same applies to you. (主語)
    • The lunch specials are always the same. (補語)
    • You always try the same and fail. (目的語)

    日記 に補足があります。

    → 文法 #103 代名詞の一覧