文法 #104 現在分詞と過去分詞


  • Look at the reading boy.
  • One very interesting sport is basketball.
  • There were two guys playing the guitar in the park.
  • I have never talked to a man driving a car.
  • Look at the washed car.
  • The surprised mother yelled in the kitchen.
  • Please lend me a book written by him.
  • What was the issue discussed in the meeting?

  • He is reading a book.
  • We stood looking at each other.
  • She seems suffering from a broken heart
  • They kept working in the night.
  • Anne is very interested in the lesson.
  • The airport remains closed.
  • He seemed surprised at the news.
  • They got excited at the game.

  • I saw him washing his car.
  • Don’t leave the water running.
  • I saw someone breaking a stranger’s car window to save a dog.
  • I am sorry to have kept you waiting for an hour.
  • This video will make you satisfied.
  • I’ll leave the door unlocked.
  • I made myself understood in English.
  • He found the work half-done.

日記 に補足があります。

→ 文法 #105 現在分詞と動名詞
→ 文法 #106 不定詞と動名詞