文法 #111 不定代名詞 one / it と one の違い

[数的表現としての one]
  • Those are lovely scarves. I think I'll buy one.
  • One is hardly enough.
  • One is purple, the other green.
  • The three brothers get along quite well; in fact they adore one another.
  • One of the senators will lead the group to the front of the capitol.
  • The yellow car is fast, but I think the blue one will win.

[非人称的、客観的表現としての one]
  • One would think the airlines would have to close down.
  • One would think the inner dome of heaven had fallen.
  • The young comedian was awful; one felt embarrassed for him.
  • If one fails, then one must try harder next time.

不定代名詞 one が使われたあと、別の人称代名詞で置き換えられることがある。
  • We watched as one (of the flamingo) dried its feathers in the sun. (one → it)
  • One (driver) pulled her car over to the side. (one → her)
  • One must learn from one's (or his) mistakes. (one → his ※アメリカ英語)
  • One must be conscientious about your dental hygiene. (one → your ※アメリカ英語)

「数的表現としての one」を複数形で使う時は ones となる。
  • I really like the chocolate ones.
  • The ones with chocolate frosting have cream fillings.
  • Are these the ones you want?
  • Do you want these ones?
※it の複数形は them

[it と one の違い]
  • Peter bought a new bicycle.
    • I want one too. (私も自転車が欲しい)
    • I want it. (彼が買ったその自転車が欲しい)

日記 に補足があります。

文法 #101 不定代名詞
→ 文法 #97 人称代名詞