文法 #03 使役動詞

使役動詞(get / have / make / let)
使役動詞+O+C ~に~させる(~してもらう)

  • The news made me happy.
  • I will make my voice heard.
  • I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.

  • have+O+原型不定詞(当然のことをしてもらう)
  • make+O+原型不定詞(強制的に~させる)
  • get+O+to不定詞(お願いしてやってもらう)
  • let+O+原型不定詞(やりたいことを許可する程度の~させる)

  • I had my secretary type the letters.
  • The teacher had the students write a test.
  • I had the handyman fix the leak.(便利屋 / 漏れ)

  • I made Mary drive the car.
  • He made us laugh.(無理やり笑わせたという意味と彼のしぐさで思わず笑ってしまったという意味の2通りの使い方がある)
  • The teacher made Peter work hard.
  • Don’t make Sarah cry.

  • We couldn’t get him to sign the agreement.
  • I will get him to mow the lawn.
  • How can we get all the employees to arrive on time?

  • I’ll let you know when I got the answer.
  • My father let me drive his car.
  • I don’t let my kids watch violent movies.

課題 #01